I thrive in a clean well organized home. My mind is less cluttered and chaotic when my environment is organized and clean. I have found lately that to battle my depression I must start with a clean home. I found this blog post about why she keep her home clean and it just makes sense.
http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2012/02/15/why-i-make-my-bed-10-reasons-i-keep-my-house-clean/Not only does keeping my house clean help but keeping me clean helps as well. No matter how awful the day is, if I'm showered and dressed, when I walk past a mirror I don't cringe in disgust and I at least know I look ok. I also make sure I eat healthy, much harder than expected. I lack an appetite currently and just want junk food. Not a pleasant combination. Anyway that's not what this post is about. This is about making your bed.
Keeping a clean home makes everyone happy. Things are easy to find, children play better when they can find there toys and aren't overwhelmed with a zillion toys and junk scattered all over the room, clothes stay nice because they are in laundry baskets and not scattered on the floor getting walked on, and lets face it it looks better. I don't have to worry about being embarrassed by a messy home and so I'm more inclined to invite friends over. Here are a few things I do to keep the house clean.
1. Make the bed. Even if the rest of the room is trashed this helps create a balanced center and makes it look a little nicer.
2. Keep the counter clean. Dishwashers are a fabulous invention. Not only do the wash your dishes for you but they can hold all the dirty dishes out of sight and keep the kitchen looking clean. And run it every night and empty it in the morning.
3. Clean the sink. Water spots look dirty. At night I wipe down the sink with Clorox wipes and during the day I keep a clean towel handy to wipe out the water and keep the sink sparkly as long as possible.
4. Spot sweep daily. We live in the desert. It is made of dirt and sand. It gets everywhere. I do a quick sweep once a day and weekly I do a more thorough sweep and mop.
5. Have the kids pick up their own messes. Even a one year old and pick up their toys. They got them out right? Usually right before snacks and meals we pick up toys and then again before bed. I also have them make their beds and put clothes in the laundry.
6. Expect set backs and bad days. Sometimes at the end of a particularly rough day the dishes haven't been washed and some toys are still out. Life happens. Do a real quick clean and call it a night. Don't go to bed with a completely chaotic house, you'll thank me in the morning. But don't spend more than 15 minutes cleaning. Lets face it you're exhausted and want to collapse in bed, so be quick and hide in bed with a bowl of ice cream if you need it.
7. Invest in Clorox wipes. Or whatever brand you prefer. I use them for everything. I wipe down counters, chairs, toys, the floor around the toilet, even water spots on the mirrors and sinks.
8. One load at a time everyday. Of laundry that is. From start to finish. Don't start another until you've folded and put away the first. This way clothes don't get moldy sitting in the wash all day because everyone had meltdowns and forgot and they don't sit in the dryer getting wrinkled.
9. Vacuum weekly. Or twice or three times. The point is, don't let the floor get gross. If its starting to look dirty whip out the vacuum. Get the kids involved and make it a game, we all were chased by the vacuum and loved it. We also sat on the couch with our feet in the air while the vacuum ran underneath. If the kids are big enough have them vacuum. They love to be helpful.
10. Clean the bathroom daily. After everyone is ready, take your trusty Clorox wipes and a rag and clean the bathroom. Wipe down the sink with your rag, it will now be slightly damp, use it to get rid of any sloppy toothpaste marks, the fold the toothpaste inside and wipe up the floor. If you have girls you know why, hair gets everywhere. Use the Clorox wipes to wipe off the mirror and countertop. Then another to wipe up the toilet and the floor around it, boys aim isn't never amazing. Even grown boys miss. Spray down the shower with your choice of cleaner. Swish out the toilet with a brush and pat yourself on the back. It's clean and company ready. Once or twice a month I do a more thorough clean and wash rugs and mop.
Now I'm not perfect. I have a newborn. Crap happens and sometimes I need a little help from the relief squad, aka the hubby. Sometimes I don't get the house completely clean but it tends to stay a 5 minute quick clean away from company ready, most days. As long as you are consistent you can make it work for you and housework doesn't have to be a chore. Climbing into a nicely made bed is relaxing and we all know we need a good nights rest. So, if all else fails, at least make the bed.
What are your tricks to a clean home?