Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Write it down

I like lists. Just ask my husband. I make multiple shopping lists, even drafts of shopping lists. I like to make packing lists, chore lists, goal lists, pantry inventory lists. It's a compulsion. Usually my lists end up lost in the never ending shuffle of piles of papers I just can't seem to get filed or just thrown in the trash where they belong.
So in honor of my list making compulsion I've decided to dedicate a blog to it. And not just my never ending list that somehow always includes "fold the laundry" and "mop the kitchen floor." I'd like to take you into my world of list making and then tell you how I check things off said lists.
My hope and goal is that it will inspire you (ok in reality just me) to keep a record of the things I do and how I live my life to the fullest.

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