The milk is easier on my stomach and my baby's too. He seems to get real colicky when I drink cows milk.
Yes she stinks and early winter mornings are no fun but she's become part of the family. We also have one of her kids from her last batch. She's now two and, cross your fingers, pregnant. We're working on drying up sweetheart, the milking nanny, so that when belle drops her baby's we can switch milkers and breed sweetheart again. It's been a strange experience drying her up. I suddenly have half as much milk and have to buy a gallon from my parents. The taste is so different. It's amazing the difference location and feed will have on milk.
We've recently started letting the girls out to graze the weeds down, not recommended if you're actually drinking the milk, weeds give it a.. weedy taste. It's been funny to watch them wander the yard and follow my husband and I around. I've always teased my husband that his horses are big puppy's. Now we have two more. They even wag their tails and rub up against you for some loving.
We also let the baby play with them. He loves animals and just laughs when he's near them. Hopefully growing up with animals and chores he won't hate it as much as I did.