Breastfeeding, ever done it? Rough stuff. First there is the initial mind numbing pain of getting the baby to latch, then the next two weeks of sore nipples, cracking, blistering, and the bleeding, oh the bleeding. After week 3 it is sweet bliss, the baby latches well and is gaining weight. Bonus side effect momma is dropping weight like she has a tape worm. And then momma discovers she's starving. So she eats like it's her last meal. All. day. long. Now it's time to exercise.

And then feed the baby again, and then eat again. How do you balance the hunger with the needed calories to upkeep healthy nursing baby and still drop the rest of the baby weight? It's a question that remains unanswered.
All I can do is take it one day at a time, one walk at a time, one... oh is that a donut?!
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